Source code for membrane_curvature.curvature



In MembraneCurvature, we calculate Gaussian and mean curvature from a cloud of points.

Gaussian curvature is defined by

.. math:: K = \frac{\partial_{xx}\partial_{yy}-\partial_{xy}^2}

Mean curvature is defined by

.. math:: H =


Since the mean curvature calculates the arithmetic mean of two
principal curvatures, the default units of :math:`H` are Å\ :sup:`-1`.
On the other hand, Gaussian curvature calculates the geometric mean of the
two principal curvatures. Therefore, the default units of :math:`K` are Å\ :sup:`-2`.
In general, units of mean curvature are [length] :sup:`-1`,
and units of Gaussian curvature are [length] :sup:`-2`.

.. warning::

    Numpy cannot calculate the gradient for arrays with inner array of
    `length==1` unless `axis=0` is specified. Therefore in the functions here included
    for mean and Gaussian curvature, shape of arrays must be at least (2,2).
    In general, to calculate a numerical gradients shape of arrays must be >=(`edge_order` +



import numpy as np

[docs] def gaussian_curvature(Z): """ Calculate Gaussian curvature from Z cloud points. Parameters ---------- Z: np.ndarray. Multidimensional array of shape (n,n). Returns ------- K : np.ndarray. The result of Gaussian curvature of Z. Returns multidimensional array object with values of Gaussian curvature of shape `(n, n)`. """ Zy, Zx = np.gradient(Z) Zxy, Zxx = np.gradient(Zx) Zyy, _ = np.gradient(Zy) K = (Zxx * Zyy - (Zxy ** 2)) / (1 + (Zx ** 2) + (Zy ** 2)) ** 2 return K
[docs] def mean_curvature(Z): """ Calculates mean curvature from Z cloud points. Parameters ---------- Z: np.ndarray. Multidimensional array of shape (n,n). Returns ------- H : np.ndarray. The result of mean curvature of Z. Returns multidimensional array object with values of mean curvature of shape `(n, n)`. """ Zy, Zx = np.gradient(Z) Zxy, Zxx = np.gradient(Zx) Zyy, _ = np.gradient(Zy) H = (1 + Zx**2) * Zyy + (1 + Zy**2) * Zxx - 2 * Zx * Zy * Zxy H = H / (2 * (1 + Zx**2 + Zy**2)**(1.5)) return H