Source code for membrane_curvature.base


:Author: Estefania Barreto-Ojeda
:Year: 2021
:Copyright: GNU Public License v3

MembraneCurvature calculates the mean and Gaussian curvature of
surfaces derived from a selection of reference.

Mean curvature is calculated in units of Å :sup:`-1` and Gaussian curvature
in units of Å :sup:`-2`.

import numpy as np
import warnings
from .surface import get_z_surface
from .curvature import mean_curvature, gaussian_curvature

import MDAnalysis
from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisBase

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("MDAnalysis.MDAKit.membrane_curvature")

[docs] class MembraneCurvature(AnalysisBase): r""" MembraneCurvature is a tool to calculate membrane curvature. Parameters ---------- universe : Universe or AtomGroup An MDAnalysis Universe object. select : str or iterable of str, optional. The selection string of an atom selection to use as a reference to derive a surface. wrap : bool, optional Apply coordinate wrapping to pack atoms into the primary unit cell. n_x_bins : int, optional, default: '100' Number of bins in grid in the x dimension. n_y_bins : int, optional, default: '100' Number of bins in grid in the y dimension. x_range : tuple of (float, float), optional, default: (0, `universe.dimensions[0]`) Range of coordinates (min, max) in the x dimension. y_range : tuple of (float, float), optional, default: (0, `universe.dimensions[1]`) Range of coordinates (min, max) in the y dimension. Attributes ---------- results.z_surface : ndarray Surface derived from atom selection in every frame. Array of shape (`n_frames`, `n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) results.mean : ndarray Mean curvature associated to the surface. Array of shape (`n_frames`, `n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) results.gaussian : ndarray Gaussian curvature associated to the surface. Arrays of shape (`n_frames`, `n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) results.average_z_surface : ndarray Average of the array elements in `z_surface`. Each array has shape (`n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) results.average_mean : ndarray Average of the array elements in `mean_curvature`. Each array has shape (`n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) results.average_gaussian: ndarray Average of the array elements in `gaussian_curvature`. Each array has shape (`n_x_bins`, `n_y_bins`) See also -------- :class:`~MDAnalysis.transformations.wrap.wrap` Wrap/unwrap the atoms of a given AtomGroup in the unit cell. Notes ----- Use `wrap=True` to translates the atoms of your `mda.Universe` back in the unit cell. Use `wrap=False` for processed trajectories where rotational/translational fit is performed. For more details on when to use `wrap=True`, check the :ref:`usage` page. The derived surface and calculated curvatures are available in the :attr:`results` attributes. The attribute :attr:`~MembraneCurvature.results.average_z_surface` contains the derived surface averaged over the `n_frames` of the trajectory. The attributes :attr:`~MembraneCurvature.results.average_mean_curvature` and :attr:`~MembraneCurvature.results.average_gaussian_curvature` contain the computed values of mean and Gaussian curvature averaged over the `n_frames` of the trajectory. Example ----------- You can pass a universe containing your selection of reference:: import MDAnalysis as mda from membrane_curvature.base import MembraneCurvature u = mda.Universe(coordinates, trajectory) mc = MembraneCurvature(u).run() surface = mc.results.average_z_surface mean_curvature = mc.results.average_mean gaussian_curvature = mc.results.average_gaussian The respective 2D curvature plots can be obtained using the `matplotlib` package for data visualization via :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. For specific examples visit the :ref:`usage` page. Check the :ref:`visualization` page for more examples to plot MembraneCurvature results using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. """ def __init__(self, universe, select='all', n_x_bins=100, n_y_bins=100, x_range=None, y_range=None, wrap=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(universe.universe.trajectory, **kwargs) = universe.select_atoms(select) self.wrap = wrap self.n_x_bins = n_x_bins self.n_y_bins = n_y_bins self.x_range = x_range if x_range else (0, universe.dimensions[0]) self.y_range = y_range if y_range else (0, universe.dimensions[1]) # Raise if selection doesn't exist if len( == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid selection. Empty AtomGroup.") # Only checks the first frame. NPT simulations not properly covered here. # Warning message if range doesn't cover entire dimensions of simulation box for dim_string, dim_range, num in [('x', self.x_range, 0), ('y', self.y_range, 1)]: if (dim_range[1] < universe.dimensions[num]): msg = (f"Grid range in {dim_string} does not cover entire " "dimensions of simulation box.\n Minimum dimensions " "must be equal to simulation box.") warnings.warn(msg) logger.warning(msg) # Apply wrapping coordinates if not self.wrap: # Warning msg = (" `wrap == False` may result in inaccurate calculation " "of membrane curvature. Surfaces will be derived from " "a reduced number of atoms. \n " " Ignore this warning if your trajectory has " " rotational/translational fit rotations! ") warnings.warn(msg) logger.warning(msg) def _prepare(self): # Initialize empty np.array with results self.results.z_surface = np.full((self.n_frames, self.n_x_bins, self.n_y_bins), np.nan) self.results.mean = np.full((self.n_frames, self.n_x_bins, self.n_y_bins), np.nan) self.results.gaussian = np.full((self.n_frames, self.n_x_bins, self.n_y_bins), np.nan) def _single_frame(self): # Apply wrapping coordinates if self.wrap: # Populate a slice with np.arrays of surface, mean, and gaussian per frame self.results.z_surface[self._frame_index] = get_z_surface(, n_x_bins=self.n_x_bins, n_y_bins=self.n_y_bins, x_range=self.x_range, y_range=self.y_range) self.results.mean[self._frame_index] = mean_curvature(self.results.z_surface[self._frame_index]) self.results.gaussian[self._frame_index] = gaussian_curvature(self.results.z_surface[self._frame_index]) def _conclude(self): self.results.average_z_surface = np.nanmean(self.results.z_surface, axis=0) self.results.average_mean = np.nanmean(self.results.mean, axis=0) self.results.average_gaussian = np.nanmean(self.results.gaussian, axis=0)